Bed Bugs

Holiday Travel Tips : Bed bug prevention for travelers

Holiday Tips: Bed bug prevention for travelers | PestMax Blog

The holiday season is fast approaching. Soon, many of us will be packing our suitcases and hopping on planes, trains, and automobiles to visit our loved ones across the country. As local exterminators, we have a determined interest in making sure that no additional pests hitch a ride home with you.

Below you will find our bed bug prevention tips for travelers, to help you avoid bringing home bed bugs. We only want you to come back home to Florida with great memories, and maybe a few extra pounds from all the delicious holiday meals and treats.

Bed Bug Travel Prevention

Bed bugs can be found anywhere people can be found. That means bedbugs can be anywhere, including even 30,000 feet in the air!
While you are on solid ground, there are steps to take to help keep bed bugs at bay during your holiday stay:

Packing your suitcase

Pack your clothes and shoes in Ziploc bags. As long as the bags are completely sealed you will have an additional layer of protection against bed bugs. If possible, use a hard plastic suitcase because it will make it harder for pests to crawl inside your luggage.

Inspect your room before you unpack

Once you arrive at your hotel do not leave your suitcase on the floor. Instead use the luggage rack, or even the bathtub in a pinch. If you plan on putting your clothes in the dresser, keep them in the Ziploc bags.

Now it’s time to play pest inspector. Use a small flashlight to help you detect bed bugs. Pull the sheets off the mattress and inspect the seams and crevices. Look for these Top 5 Bed Bug Signs.

If you see any signs of bed bugs ask to be moved to another room, but don’t get too cozy because you will need to inspect that room as well.

Just because bed bugs are a primary concern, that doesn’t mean other creepy crawlers aren’t out there waiting to take a bite out of your holiday fun. Lice and ticks can also hitch a ride on you, your pets, and your family. The key to a bug free holiday is prevention and watchfulness.


If you discover the signs of bedbugs in your home after returning from your travels, the exterminators at PestMax® can help. Learn more about our heat treatment for bed bugs.